See the Jira Backstage plugin in action
Installation steps
Install the plugin into Backstage.
yarn --cwd packages/app add @roadiehq/backstage-plugin-jira
Add proxy config
# app-config.yaml
target: '<JIRA_URL>'
Accept: 'application/json'
Content-Type: 'application/json'
X-Atlassian-Token: 'nocheck'
User-Agent: "MY-UA-STRING"
Set img-src in Content Security Policy
// app-config.yaml
# ...
# "'self'" and 'data' are from the backstage default but must be set since img-src is overriden
- "'self'"
- 'data:'
# Allow your Jira instance for @roadiehq/backstage-plugin-jira
Add plugin API to your Backstage instance
// packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx
import { EntityJiraOverviewCard, isJiraAvailable } from '@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-jira';
const overviewContent = (
<Grid container spacing={3} alignItems="stretch">
<EntitySwitch.Case if={isJiraAvailable}>
<Grid item md={6}>
<EntityJiraOverviewCard />
Add annotation to the yaml config file of a component
jira/project-key: <example-jira-project-key>
jira/component: <example-component> # optional, you might skip this value to fetch data for all components
jira/token-type: Bearer # optional, used for Activity stream feed. If you are using Basic auth you can skip this.
Even though you can use Bearer token please keep in mind that Activity stream feed will only contain entries that are visible to anonymous users. In order to view restricted content you will need to authenticate via Basic authentication, as described in official documentation (https://developer.atlassian.com/server/framework/atlassian-sdk/consuming-an-activity-streams-feed/#authentication).
Provide the JIRA_TOKEN environmental variable (instructions at the notes below)
Found a mistake? Update these instructions.
Things to know
Get and provide JIRA_TOKEN
as env variable.
Obtain you personal token from jira - https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens
Create a base64-encoded string by converting a string in format
for example:
converts to base64
Save it as the environmental variable
prefix, for example:JIRA_TOKEN='Basic amlyYS1tYWlsQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tOmhUQmdxVmNyY3hSWXBUNVRDelRBOUMwRg=='
Alternatively, if you are running backstage locally, you can provide the variable by the command
env JIRA_TOKEN='Basic amlyYS1tYWlsQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tOmhUQmdxVmNyY3hSWXBUNVRDelRBOUMwRg==' yarn dev
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