Skip the manual plugin installation with no-code Backstage
Installation steps
Install the plugin into Backstage
yarn add @roadiehq/backstage-plugin-github-pull-requests
Import it into your Backstage application
// packages/app/src/components/home/Homepage.tsx
import {
} from '@roadiehq/backstage-plugin-cloudsmith';
Add the card to your Backstage catalog.
// packages/app/src/components/home/Homepage.tsx
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<CloudsmithStatsCard repo="repo-name" owner="org-name"/>
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<CloudsmithQuotaCard owner='org-name'/>
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<CloudsmithRepositoryAuditLogCard owner='org-name' repo='repo-name'/>
<Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
<CloudsmithRepositorySecurityCard owner='org-name' repo='repo-name'/>
Found a mistake? Update these instructions.
Things to know
In order to authenticate with Cloudsmith, make sure that you have a environmnet variable setup $CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY
in order to authenticate with your repo.
Prefer a no-code Backstage setup?
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